Monday, February 25, 2008

Net Gains 2.0

Rather great news: We have now raised close to $4000 for Spread the Net. This is in less than 10 days of fundraising. Thanks so much to so many of our generous friends and those friends we've not yet met. We will soon be announcing a larger fundraising goal and will look forward to expanding the circle of those giving to this great cause.

Thanks again. It's awfully nice how many people have given to this great cause.

1 comment:

Alain Denis said...

hi there just saw your trip and would like to wish you good luck and all the best...we are on a trip at the moment trying to go around the world. It's total freedom , you will love it. check out our blog

any questions let us know. we've been traveling for 6 months now and over 10 000 kms....

you can email me at

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